Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Effects Of Oral Nifedipine On The Control Of Hypertension...
Few studies over the past years have compared the effects of oral nifedipine to intravenous labetalol for the control of hypertension during pregnancy. Shekhar et al., conducted a randomized, double-blinded placebo-controlled trial, to compare the effectiveness of orally administered nifedipine and intravenously administered labetalol for acute blood pressure control of hypertensive emergency in pregnancy.4 The study was conducted between October 2012 to April 2013 in the labor ward of the department of Obestrics and Gynecology of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Government Medical College and Hospital, Tanda, Kangra, India. Women were eligible for inclusion if they were 18 to 45 years old, at 24 weeks of gestation or more, a heart rate between 60†¦show more content†¦Package A contained either intravenous labetalol vials (total 60mL as labetalol 5 mg/mL) and 5 placebo tablets or IV saline placebo (60mL as 0.9%) and five 10-mg nifedipine tablets. Package B, which contained the opposite regimen of A, was utilized as a crossover treatment if the target blood pressure was not achieved after 5 cycles of regimen A. Blood pressure was measured using mercury sphygmomanometer as per standard recommendation every 20 minutes for at least 100 minutes or more until a target blood pressure of 150 mmHg systolic and 100 mmHg diastolic or lower was achieved.4 The primary outcome measure of the study was time needed to achieve target systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Secondary outcomes included the total number antihypertensive dosages required to achieve the target systolic blood pressure of 150 mmHg or lower and a diastolic of 100 mmHg or lower, maternal heart rate profile during the first 100 minutes, maternal hypotension (Bp90/60 mmHg), side effects profile, and perinatal outcome. No safety endpoints were explicitly stated in the present study. Utilizing the results of a previous study as guidance, with an alpha of 0.05 and 90% power, researchers decided to randomize 60 women (30 in each group).4 A one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check the normal distribution of the continuous data. A student t-test was used to analyze normally distributed data and ordinal data were
Monday, December 23, 2019
Sample Resume For A Company - 793 Words
October 19, 2015 Delivery 4 U 1111 Hospitality Blvd San Bernardino, Ca 92354 Attn: John Smith Dear Mr. Smith, Are you tired of spending the companies’ funds trying to make deliveries every day? We know how hard it can be to staff the right people in order to create the service your company needs. Like any increasing company, you need a concrete group of professional to work each day of the week. Because you are a nationalized food chain service, you have a big opportunity to branch out and make larger amount of money. Background Delivery 4 U has been helping firms like yours for over 20 years get the delivery service they need. We too are a nationwide corporation and can offer your business the most dependable delivery service in the nation.. This allows your business to stop using ineffective technique that include continues hiring and firing, overtime and budget reconstructions. Our software is 100% generated from proven methods that companies have responded too. With the software we use we are able locate potential customers who have specified they have a need of your type of services and would love to do business with your company. Proposal Plan Our mission will be to provide your customers with a 1-800 number to take in orders. We will also create a link within your already exiting web page were customers s can order on line. These links will include a full menu along with credit card payment options. We will also provide you with the delivery personal, who areShow MoreRelatedSample Resume : Kola Company1825 Words  | 8 Pages Abstract Kola Company started the POM+ Project with an end goal to check rivalry from strength juice refreshments cutting into its pop deals. In light of higher overall revenues, expanded business sector presentation, and higher antibody levels found in pomegranate squeeze, the POM+ venture is in charge of concocting, testing, creating and advertising a pomegranate juice based claim to fame drink. The POM+ Project need network has established that expenses are an obliging element, venture degreeRead MoreSample Resume : Record Companies1651 Words  | 7 PagesRecord Companies: When a band or an artist reach a point in their career they may want to start thinking about becoming associated with a record label. A record label operates in many ways. They have a number of steps in which they operate: 1. create/ scout for bands or an artist 2. offer contracts 3. makes music for band/artist 4. promotion/marketing 5. finance a record 6. makes money To look for new bands or artists some record companies may be associated with artist and repertoire (A+R). A+RRead MoreSample Resume : Cvs Company2014 Words  | 9 PagesThe company 22 years on the fortune 500 list. CVS has 199,000 employees to date. The benefits for the employees are outstanding as well. 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First of all, I will repeat the facts in order to make sure of my knowledge of the incident. Then, as you have previously expressed your concern about the payment of our firm’s fees, I will set out your funding options and advise you with the mostRead MoreA Career as a Computer Programmer Essay1093 Words  | 5 PagesComputer programmers have many opportunities in life to find a job they would love. Programmers can work independently, or in a big company. Programmers have and are creating the future for computers. Computer programmers have a wide range on what they can do. Computer programmers write the detailed list of instructions the computer will follow in the software (Great Sample Resume). This is also called â€Å"coding.†Programmers test their software, or other peoples, to see if it works properly (Career Cruising)Read MoreBenefits Of Having A Well Written Resume844 Words  | 4 PagesHaving a well written resume can tell a lot of a person who is applying for a job. The hiring team or managers who are looking to hire people are looking for specific requirements that match theirs and looking for someone that stands out. By learning different tools and tactics on improving skills and speaking abilities will only help stand out for a company to choose your resume and invite for an interview and possibly start your career. In the jobs search I searched for Operations Manager. WithRead MoreCover Letter and Resume Analysis977 Words  | 4 Pages Cover Letter and Resume Analysis Paper My analysis paper will cover all of the changes and how I have made my cover letter and resume improve in the past two weeks. Cover Letter My cover letter started off a little rocky at first. I was new to the whole cover letter so I reviewed a few different cover letters until I got the idea. After I got my draft back with the comments to improve my cover letter I knew I had a lot of work to do. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Mathematics and Moreno Valley Free Essays
In all honesty, I don’t like school much. My favorite class so far this year has to be either French or ACT. A few Of my academic strengths are that I’m a great listener, I don’t like to waste time when I could be getting work done, and I check my work a lot to make sure it is correct or near correct. We will write a custom essay sample on Mathematics and Moreno Valley or any similar topic only for you Order Now My academic weaknesses are that I won’t ask questions if need help and most of the time the topics don’t interest me. I like figuring problems out on my own because I learn better that way, but it can be a bad thing if I really don’t understand the problem at all. In those cases, I don’t know where to start fixing my problem. I like math because most of the time the answers are straight forward. I don’t like having to explain myself. Dislike how long it takes to actually solve a problem and I also dislike how long math work can be. My most favorite math experience probably had to be Geometry last year. I understood it well and I was really good at it. To add to that, it was my favorite because hardly ever had to study. Usually retained the information and my teacher taught the lessons well. I haven’t had a math class dislike yet. Usually get an A in y math classes because I try to complete all of my work and tests with high grades or points. Before this school year, would spend thirty minutes Max to finish my math homework. This school year I’ve been spending 1-2 hours on math homework each night. In this class I expect to learn and understand algebra 2 well and earn a high grade. I plan to achieve this by completing all of my work and studying for the tests. Also, I’ll try not to fall behind on any work that is due. To achieve my goals of understanding Algebra 2, it would help if you slowed down and explained more during notes. I’d also appreciate reminders of test dates. How to cite Mathematics and Moreno Valley, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
What Is History Essay Example For Students
What Is History Essay Explain why and how, Hitler and the NSDAP began to attract some supportfrom people in Germany between 1919 and 1923. There were many reasons why Hitler got into power: the defeat in world warone, Treaty of Versailles, stab in the back theory, weak leadership, fearof communist/revolutions, economic impact of world war one, reparations,hyperinflations of 1923, French invasion of the Ruhr. In 1914 at the beginning of the war, the Germens were very confident thatthey were going to win the war. However, by 1917 it was very clear to thearmys High Command that they were not going to win the war. The army stillhad a little hope, when Bolshevik seizure of power in Petrograd in November1917. Then in 1917, Germany was talking about peace with Russia, which ledto the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March 1918). Under the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Germany gained a lot of land from the east. Now they couldconcentrate on the west side of Germany. The extra men helped at first butthe Allies did not give up, and then soon started to gain land. InSeptember 1917, Germanys army chiefs- Paul von Hindenburg, head of thehigh Commands, and Erich Ludendorff, his senior quartermaster general,realised that it was certain they would not win the war. Hindenburg andLudendorff cared the most about the armys reputation. They knew that ifthey lost the war, it would look bad on them, because they were the on e whowere responsible of the country while Germany was at war. Therefore, theyasked the Kaiser if their power of the country could be give to civilianpoliticians. Prince Max of Baden, head of the German Red Cross and apolitical moderate, was appointed the Imperial Chancellor, in 1st October1918. However, the army were still sending out propaganda to the people,convincing them that they will win the war even when the army knows theywill not. After four long years of blood, war and propaganda, peoplestarted to believe the posted and advertisements. Therefore, when theWeimar Government signed the Armistice in 1918, the German people did notunderstand why they had given up. They felt that that the new Governmenthave signed them away to the Allies. They felt as if the Weimar Governmenthas stabbed them in the back. Some people did not believe that they havebeen defeated because they Germans were still in French territory whenthey were asked to stop fighting. Then in June 1919, the Germans were forced to sign the Treaty ofVersailles. NO one liked the Treaty of Versailles because it was so unfair;the Germans were given total blamed for starting the war (the war guiltclause). They had to pay 66000 million in reparations. All of Germanysterritories and colonies were taken away then shared out amongst theAllies. Germanys proud army was reduced to 100,000 men, Conscription wasbanned-the soldiers had to join the army voluntarily, Germany was notallowed any armed vehicles, submarines or aircrafts, the navy was onlyallowed to build six-battle ship, the Rhineland became a demilitarisedzone. This means that no German troops were allowed into that area; theRhineland was important because it was the land separating France andGermany. Then they were not allowed to join the League of Nations when itopened, which the German people found very insulting. It was very hard to have a stable government because, at times there couldbe up to four or five different parties in the coalition government, thismade it very hard to run a government. All the different parties would havedifferent ideas and they would not be able to agree on anything. The moreparties there are in a coalition government the harder it is to solveproblems, and the shorter time the government would run the country, beforeit collapses and another government is elected. In about 5 years, theycould of when through around 5 to 7 different governments. This just showswho unstable the country is. This concept must be very hard for the moremature German citizens, because they were used to having strong leadershipall their lives and now they have been through into a very unbalancedleadership. Mysticism in Wordsworth Poetry Sample EssayThe NSDAP was a right wing party, but they did care bout the Kaiser andbutting him back on the throne, apart from that they had the similar ideasas the rest of the right wing parties. Hitler used to hold speeches at theright wing elites dinner parties, so Hitler had a strong relationship withthe right wing elites. The NSDAP appealed the right wing elites, so theywere ready to give the NSDAP a lot of fund money to run the party. Thismoney helped the party to run and function properly. The army are members of the of the right wing elites, because Hitler hasused to be in the army he had a few connections with the army. Hitler usedhis oratorical skill to persuade them to help him and his party. Hitlerknew if he had the support of the army then he has a lot of power tothrough around. If the army supported him then he has the power to takeover the Weimar government. The right wing elites also had a private armycalled the Freikorps; they are ex-soldiers who have been kicked out of thearmy, because the Treaty of Versailles said there should only be 100,000men in the army. These men are fighting with a passion because they lovefighting and they love their army, but they have been chucked out of thearmy not because of their lack of skills. With the help from both theFreikorps and the army, Hitler ahs a strong defence. That is why Hitler encourages and pressed on with the Munich putsch,because he thought that he has all the support he needs and nothing canstop him and his party. He also thought that he would have a lot of supportfrom the public because, there was the passive strike at the Ruhr and nowG. Stresemann is the Chancellor he ordered them to stop the strike and goback to work. Hitler found this very of fencing, because he is believesthat Stresemann is supporting the Treaty of Versailles that is why he wastelling the striker to go back to work. He thought that all the people feltthe same way; he forgot that Stresemann actions helped the people and theeconomy, and Stresemann too hated the Treaty of Versailles. When the peoplesaw the difference that Stresemann was making to the country, some peoplestarted to stop supporting the extreme parties and stick to the parties inbetween. However, Hitler did still have the support of a general, GeneralLudendorff, and the Nazi storm troopers. When Hitle r was caught fortreason, some people thought he was going to serve a life sentence for hiscrime, but he did not. He used the publicity at the trial to improve hisoratorical skills; he gave a speech about he was no criminal because hewant the best for his country and that he did not mean not harm. If he dida crime and that would be, he loved his country too much and would bewilling to do anything to protect it from foreigners. He gained a lot ofpublicity because all the press was there to see that man who was so closeto taking over the government. All the papers would have every single wordthat he said at the trial, in it. This helped him to spread his opinionsand ideas. ThishowHitlerattractedsupportfrompeopleinGermany.
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